for General 

Boost your writing skills

Lecturer: Suharno

You are going to learn and practice writing from scratch. It is imperative that you build solid foundation of the skill to prepare you to be a prolific writer.

Deskripsi Matakuliah

This course exposes students to different kinds of texts in English, particularly descriptive, recount, and procedure texts. Mastery of these three texts will provide the basis for the learning of writing in the subsequent semesters which include writing in professional contexts, such as exposition (hortatory and analytical sub-types), discussion, and explanation, and writing for academic purposes, such writing a research proposal. The course is distrIbuted in 16 sessions which take place both online and face-to-face, in a synchronous and an asynchronous fashion, as well as in the flipped method. The teaching and learning processes along the course of the semester incorporates the Genre-Based Approach (GBA) in tandem with the Process-Based approach. These methods go in cycles in terms of text type and in cycles in terms of process as well. Therefore in the perspective of genre students study the text models, build the knowledge of the field, write jointly, and finally write independently. Modelling and building knowledge of the field equip students with the skills to identify text purposes, topics, and relevant concepts, and to familiarize themselves with patterns, structures and features that are common to such text types. In the actual writing practice, in the process perspective, students work their texts by drafting, revising, editing, and publishing the written products. All of these stages are implemented in the writing practices. This way students learn concepts as well as acquire the skills of writing at the same time. Their written texts will be given feedbacks in terms of content and mechanics by the lecturer, but peers are encouraged to check on one another as well for the sake of learning along the way. Assessment is carried out process wise, including self-rate, as well as in the written product along the course or at the end of the semester. All the possible learning apparatuses and platforms will be utilized in order to facilitate interaction and learning practices, such as Mind-Manager and Google Docs for planning and brainstorming, Whatsapp and SMS for communication, Google Classroom and Drive for text storing, Zoom and Google Meet for online lecture and discussion. By the end of the semester students are expected to have sufficient competency in writing so as to enable them to participate actively in advanced writing courses in the semesters that follow and/or to engage productively in the content area subjects that are offered by the study program.

Capaian Pembelajaran Program Studi yang Dirujuk (CPPS)

  1. Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in English as a Foreign Language education with the reference to level A2 of CEFR with other relevant supportive knowledge.
  2.  Perform effective lesson planning, teaching practice and evaluation in EFL education context with appropriate technology and resources
  3. Make use of the knowledge of the 21st century skills, industry 4.0, and disruptive era challenges to enhance professional performance quality.
  4. Apply morals, ethics, and university core values to uphold and maintain academic and social relations.
  5.  Demonstrate effective collaboration, communication, multidisciplinary skills, and social and cultural awareness with colleagues, stakeholders and community at large.
  6.  Perform basic research to contribute to the development and enhancement of EFL education.
  7.  Perform continuous self-development in improving professional performance quality.

Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah (CPM)

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of features, generic patterns, and social nature of Descriptive, Recount, and Report Texts (Knowledge type areas, PELO 1)
  2. Perform the abilities in writing the texts according to assigned circumstances (Skill type areas, PELO 1)
  3. Possess scientific integrity and self-development in their learning (Attitude type areas, PELO 4 and PELO 7)

Class Record

Session 1
Lesson Objectives:


 Learning Material

